Educational Innovation

Discover your English Level with Miss Berni

Trazando tu Ruta Hacia el Éxito como Profesor Internacional
Discover your English Level with Miss Berni
Bernardita Sánchez
Co-Founder | COO

Hello Miss Berni community! Have you ever wondered how to measure or know your level in a certain language? If you are looking to start an international career, it is essential to have a good command of English, and at Miss Berni we want to help you identify your starting point to get closer to achieving your goals. In this blog, we will explore the importance of certifying your language skills and how the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) can be a valuable tool in your search for employment abroad.

The MCER is an internationally recognized standard that assesses proficiency in a foreign language at three main levels: basic, intermediate and advanced, and each level is subdivided into two sub-levels. Let's see what each one consists of:

Discover your English Level with Miss Berni.

Basic Level of English

B1 (Basic User): At this level, you will be able to navigate everyday situations with simple phrases. You'll be able to introduce yourself and understand others who speak slowly and use simple language. In addition, you can express your wishes, opinions and experiences.

B2 (Basic User): Reaching this level, you'll be able to talk about everyday topics and describe your environment. You'll be able to communicate in simple situations and express your ideas more fluently.

Niña Practicando Inglés

Intermediate Level of English

B1 (Independent User): Here, you will understand clear topics and you will be able to participate in conversations about leisure, study, work, etc. In addition, you will be able to express your wishes, opinions and experiences on a deeper and more coherent level. You can also write comprehensible and structured texts.

B2 (Independent User): At this level, you'll be able to understand more complex topics and have fluid conversations with native speakers. Your ability to express points of view on various subjects will be stronger, and you will be able to write more elaborate and coherent texts.

Conversación en inglés avanzado

Advanced English Level

C1 (Competent User): If you reach this level, you will be able to understand large and complex texts, and participate in academic or professional discussions. Your oral and written expression will be more flexible and detailed, allowing you to communicate more precisely.

C2 (Competent User): At this level, you will be able to understand practically everything you read and hear, and you will express yourself fluently and precisely, mastering the language in its entirety, even in formal and complex situations.

Mujer dando charla en inglés

At Miss Berni, we understand the importance of having an intermediate level of English to undertake as an international teacher in the United States and to move towards professional success, which is why we encourage you to work on this important aspect.

If you are a Spanish teacher, remember that, to teach in the United States, you will need to achieve an intermediate level of English, a degree in education, attractive documents and essential information to do so. It may sound challenging to meet all of these requirements, but we advise you to apply as an expert. We also invite you to share this blog “Discover your English Level with Miss Berni.” so that more teachers can discover their true level of English.

Together we will make your career take off to new horizons!

Bernardita Sánchez
Co-Founder | COO

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